.-=Clan Miami Killers=-.
Clan => Applications => Accepted Applications => Topic started by: Dave on May 01, 2014, 02:10:55 am
Real Name: Junaid
Nickname: Dave^
Your Previous nicks:[UF]Davies,[D]avies,TmG.Dave.
D.O.B/Age: 16
Location/Country: Pakistan
Servers you usually play on:LittleWhiteys,Xe,EA.
Are you currently banned in any of the official servers?: No
VC-MP History: I've been playing VC-MP since 2012. At first i was in UF,but due to some reasons i left and it was closed too. After that i joined TmG but it was closed too in 2013.
Why do you want to Join MK ?: Well, honestly i want to join the clan having respected and well behaved members and good skills too. Its members are honest and friendly thats all i want.
Why did you Leave your previous clan/s: UF : Left (it was going to be closed).
TmG: Closed
Interested In Playing Clan Wars:Yeah sure.
Any Other Info You Would Like To Share: I tried to apply in the end of 2013 but i thought that i wasn't ready for that.After a long thinking i have decided to finally post. Hope will get a chance. ;)
Thank you for applying to the Clan Miami Killers,
please be patient until we test you and vote for you.
Please tell us at which time you play and also on which server.
Miami Killers Management
I invited this guy to MK, A strong MKt from my side, because he has all the qualities we want, The qualities we expect from a player, Like he is friendly, Attitude is so nice to everyone, Skills are fine to be a MKt :)
I invited this guy to MK, A strong MKt from my side, because he has all the qualities we want, The qualities we expect from a player, Like he is friendly, Attitude is so nice to everyone, Skills are fine to be a MKt :)
Thanks :)
He's a good guy, MKt Don't dissapoint me ;)
He's a good guy, MKt Don't dissapoint me ;)
Thanks.I won't disappoint you surely.
Currently playing with him on UA. So far so good. MKt.
Currently playing with him on UA. So far so good. MKt.
Gracias ^^
no,bad attitude,you are just showing your good attitude only towards mks players,you started to insult like a mad a little time ago(2 weeks ago if I'm not wrong) with another nick(juni)
no,bad attitude,you are just showing your good attitude only towards mks players,you started to insult like a mad a little time ago(2 weeks ago if I'm not wrong) with another nick(juni)
If his nick is juni he was banned in many server and was in PRO clan...
no,bad attitude,you are just showing your good attitude only towards mks players,you started to insult like a mad a little time ago(2 weeks ago if I'm not wrong) with another nick(juni)
Ahh, let me correct you, im not that juni, he is different player you can ask anyone in the server.
We just got same real names thats why.
Here is this pic i got, hope you get it.
nope, I don't trust you.
no,bad attitude,you are just showing your good attitude only towards mks players,you started to insult like a mad a little time ago(2 weeks ago if I'm not wrong) with another nick(juni)
Ahh, let me correct you, im not that juni, he is different player you can ask anyone in the server.
We just got same real names thats why.
Here is this pic i got, hope you get it.
Why u taked the picture at the exact moment ? Maybe it's you but told someone to join or maybe u with other computer.
Why u taked the picture at the exact moment ? Maybe it's you but told someone to join or maybe u with other computer.
The thing is Cato, im used to take screenshots of announcements in the server and at that time juni was talking to the admins.
i told you, you can ask any player or Any admin of LWs.
We have different IPs and he is an old player than me. If any player got same real name like other,that doesnt mean they are same.Thats all i have to say. :)
oh lol wait, let me correct you guys, Juni=Junaid is my brother and this guy is not juni, almost 95% staff in LW's know about this that Juni, Jaw and RoadWarrior are brothers.
Detonator: I have never seen this guy insulting anyone.
Mr.Cato: you are not the part of MK atm, You are also an applicant, I Think you should not care about anyone, nor you need be a spy, that would be nice :), otherwise if you have a solid proof or anything related to both of them (Juni and dave^) you are allowed to post in here, Making a false prediction about anyone is not a good thing :)
I trust this guy, And he has been nice to everyone.
I hope everyone has got my point :)))))
I agree with road, MKt. Good luck!
nope, I don't trust you.
Thanks anyways, let me know the reason of your distrust?
I agree with road, MKt. Good luck!
Thank you guys :)
oh lol wait, let me correct you guys, Juni=Junaid is my brother and this guy is not juni, almost 95% staff in LW's know about this that Juni, Jaw and RoadWarrior are brothers.
Detonator: I have never seen this guy insulting anyone.
Mr.Cato: you are not the part of MK atm, You are also an applicant, I Think you should not care about anyone, nor you need be a spy, that would be nice :), otherwise if you have a solid proof or anything related to both of them (Juni and dave^) you are allowed to post in here, Making a false prediction about anyone is not a good thing :)
I trust this guy, And he has been nice to everyone.
I hope everyone has got my point :)))))
Ok then , good luck
Jaw and RoadWarrior are brothers.
ish really? give him some hints about vcmp then he lacks some knowledge about the multiplayer game and "lag issues"
anyways, I've Dave as a nice lad, MKt.
anyways, I've Dave as a nice lad, MKt.
What do you mean?
What do you mean?
he means that he is not interested
*Sign* Neutral (maybe)
What do you mean?
it's a synonym for neutral, lol.
What do you mean?
it's a synonym for neutral, lol.
Okay ;)
i have just talked with Road his vote is MKt
Thank you :)
hi bro
<&RostySpoon> [20] [MKt]Cato: gandu :_(
<&RustySpoon> ** Dave^ died.
<&RastySpoon> [15] Dave^: aya
<&RostySpoon> ** mirel_andrei killed _XD_xiongdi (M4) (Head)
<&RustySpoon> [19] [CO]HazzPeR: aby heli me jaenge kya
<&RastySpoon> Admin foxtrot banned:[ Dave^ ] Reason:[ death evade ] Time left:[ 4 days 23 hours ]
<&RostySpoon> >> [15] Dave^ left the server. (Kicked)
here's the appeal that he made:
I know it wasnt death evade,it was net problem that i was getting since morning. He banned me cause i left the server.When i was there,people starts to warp and since it was happening from morning.And why do i /q on purpose even i was about to kill the player.
checkout the link i posted above.
checkout the link i posted above.
It says " death evade by /q " . I told you the reason above.
hi bro
<&RostySpoon> [20] [MKt]Cato: gandu :_(
<&RustySpoon> ** Dave^ died.
<&RastySpoon> [15] Dave^: aya
<&RostySpoon> ** mirel_andrei killed _XD_xiongdi (M4) (Head)
<&RustySpoon> [19] [CO]HazzPeR: aby heli me jaenge kya
<&RastySpoon> Admin foxtrot banned:[ Dave^ ] Reason:[ death evade ] Time left:[ 4 days 23 hours ]
<&RostySpoon> >> [15] Dave^ left the server. (Kicked)
here's the appeal that he made:
I know it wasnt death evade,it was net problem that i was getting since morning. He banned me cause i left the server.When i was there,people starts to warp and since it was happening from morning.And why do i /q on purpose even i was about to kill the player.
DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA >:( , Why would you type /q in front of an admin , Clearly shows that you evaded.
<&RastySpoon> 03>> [7] Dave^ left the server. (Quit)
<&RustySpoon> 03>> [15] [CO]Eon left the server. (Timeout)
<&RostySpoon> 04** seaways drowned.
<&RastySpoon> 03>> [7] [CO]Eon joined the server.
<&RustySpoon> 03>> [CO]Eon is connecting from Pakistan.
<&RastySpoon> 07[7] 10[CO]Eon: any new hunt?
* eVan` is now known as eVan
<&RostySpoon> 07[2] 10=TRC=Foxtrot: not now
<&RustySpoon> 03>> [15] Dave^ joined the server.
<&RostySpoon> 03>> Dave^ is connecting from Pakistan.
<&RustySpoon> 03>> [13] jay joined the server.
<&RostySpoon> 03>> jay is connecting from India.
<&RustySpoon> 04** [CO]Eon killed [ZK]WessT (M4) (Head)
<&RastySpoon> 04** MAROCOS killed [CO]Eon (Spaz) (Torso)
<&RustySpoon> 04** [CO]HazzPeR died.
<&RastySpoon> 03>> [14] apple__ left the server. (Timeout)
<&RustySpoon> 07[13] 10jay: WHAT TO DO?
<&RostySpoon> 04** [MKt]Cato killed [Best]omer919 (Uzi) (Left Arm)
<&RastySpoon> 07[7] 10[CO]Eon: u dont know about my aim wesst
<&RostySpoon> 07[19] 10[CO]HazzPeR: you were shooting me
<&RustySpoon> 07[21] 10[ZK]WessT: !getcar
<&RastySpoon> 07[7] 10[CO]Eon: hazz take tommy
<&RostySpoon> 07[19] 10[CO]HazzPeR: ok :)
<&RustySpoon> 07[19] 10[CO]HazzPeR: dave tommy me a
* Guest81610 (hotdogcat@lu-rq549o.Leo.PanicBNC.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
<&RastySpoon> 07[7] 10[CO]Eon: !getcar
<&RostySpoon> 07[15] 10Dave^: aata hn
<&RustySpoon> 07[7] 10[CO]Eon: davuu
<&RastySpoon> 07[7] 10[CO]Eon: jaldi ao
<&RostySpoon> 07[20] 10[MKt]Cato: gandu :_(
<&RustySpoon> 04** Dave^ died.
<&RastySpoon> 07[15] 10Dave^: aya
<&RostySpoon> 04** mirel_andrei killed _XD_xiongdi (M4) (Head)
<&RustySpoon> 07[19] 10[CO]HazzPeR: aby heli me jaenge kya
<&RastySpoon> 05Admin foxtrot banned:[ Dave^ ] Reason:[ death evade ] Time left:[ 4 days 23 hours ]
<&RostySpoon> 03>> [15] Dave^ left the server. (Kicked)
He got banned for /q not /kill so for now my vote is No , Improve a bit stop making dramas and you're in... :-X
There is no need to do any drama here, i'm just trying to explain what happened.And i did my best to explain it.
Btw what anyone will do when he is fighting with someone and people around him start to warp and any command doesn't work?He will obviously try to reconnect again.
There is no need to do any drama here, i'm just trying to explain what happened.And i did my best to explain it.
Btw what anyone will do when he is fighting with someone and people around him start to warp and any command doesn't work?He will obviously try to reconnect again.
I know it wasnt death evade,it was net problem that i was getting since morning. He banned me cause i left the server.When i was there,people starts to warp and since it was happening from morning.And why do i /q on purpose even i was about to kill the player.
you so pro..
What do you mean?
I said it was net problem and getting warps too, so what you are trying to say?
What do you mean?
I said it was net problem and getting warps too, so what you are trying to say?
It was since "Morning" so you could've reconnected in the "Morning" not in front of an admin typing /q , Drama , Drama , Drama , Nothing more to say just admit that u evade and maybe i will change my vote , that's so dumb of u.
Unfortunately, the answer here, but I want to say no connection between the Net, warps,evade and something like that. If they suffer from warp or the net, it does not prove that you did not evade.
that's so dumb of u.
Okay Mr.Genius. :-\
I was playing since morning and i got timed out many times.
I didnt admit that i evaded when i was getting warps ofc i closed the game and it was timed out for me.
Well, i dont want to post this here,but what about you when this happened to you at the time when you were applicant too.
As far I know this guy he would never do this foolish thing to evade cause as I know this guy he is a calm person has a good attitude even in rage he would never do this.
Dave for the future when u do /q plz check ur radar to make sure there is no one around u.
that's so dumb of u.
Okay Mr.Genius. :-\
I was playing since morning and i got timed out many times.
I didnt admit that i evaded when i was getting warps ofc i closed the game and it was timed out for me.
Well, i dont want to post this here,but what about you when this happened to you at the time when you were applicant too.
8) heh :D , I knew it :) i already explained it in the ban appeal and it was not a "/q" evade its just i falled and died my ban was setted to 5 hours since i told them what happened , I'm not just you who keep making dramas , dramas and dramas so from now i would like to give u a strong No Since you aren't admitting your fault.
P.S = Timed out [Connection lost] - Quit/Left [/q] Understand or still want me to explain?Drama , drama , drama .
I know this guy personally it must be wrong ban, now a days i am also having some problems with my internet, Maybe there is a problem with PTCL. idk whatever.
Also dave lives near to my house, i know him personally, He doesn't make this kind of bullshits, and why would he? As Chocolate said this guy never broke the rule, And i am pretty sure this is his first ban, (and a wrong ban too)
And about cato, Why you are acting like an immature kid, It doesn't mean after getting accepted in MK you start acting like a kid, We saw some qualities in you and given you a chance for this seat, But......... i don't see those qualities in you now when you are MKt, Explain your words if you can, not to spam your words by just typing "drama, drama drama drama" everywhere, Almost in every reply you posted drama drama drama lol. And also yous guys should read this first ( Soldier and Cato) https://mk.vc-mp.net/forum/news-and-announcements/%28must-read%29important-changes-to-the-vote-count-system/ before giving someone a vote :)
And about cato, Why you are acting like an immature kid, It doesn't mean after getting accepted in MK you start acting like a kid, We saw some qualities in you and given you a chance for this seat, But......... i don't see those qualities in you now when you are MKt, Explain your words if you can, not to spam your words by just typing "drama, drama drama drama" everywhere, Almost in every reply you posted drama drama drama lol. And also yous guys should read this first ( Soldier and Cato) https://mk.vc-mp.net/forum/news-and-announcements/%28must-read%29important-changes-to-the-vote-count-system/ before giving someone a vote :)
What i have done that show that i am acting like a kid , i know you guys give me a big chance (thank you again) , and by saying he is making ****** new stories i said him to admit his fault but he didn't he keep making ****** and i know my vote won't be counted since i m a trainee member i am just giving my opinion about him and that's not my answer why would he
What do you mean?
I said it was net problem and getting warps too, so what you are trying to say?
It was since "Morning" so you could've reconnected in the "Morning" not in front of an admin typing /q , Drama , Drama , Drama , Nothing more to say just admit that u evade and maybe i will change my vote , that's so dumb of u.
i know my views do not value much but in my opinion dave is a good player play by the rules and i don,t think he evaded because he is an honest player and some time my internet also goes down twice thrice in a day have to complain two times to get it fixed its a bit issue .
Yeah, you're a good player, and follow the rules of all server, you deserves be part of this clan.
i know my views do not value much but in my opinion dave is a good player play by the rules and i don,t think he evaded because he is an honest player
Yeah, you're a good player, and follow the rules of all server, you deserves be part of this clan.
Let me remind all of the members who voted that if you didn't provide a reason for your vote, it will not be counted.
Don't forget about this:
Accepted as a trainee.
Thank you for this 8) ;)
Congratulations Dave.
Thanks guys.
Congratulations Dave! :)
Congratulations Dave!
congratulations dave! well deserved.
congratulations dave :)