.-=Clan Miami Killers=-.

Clan => Applications => Denied Applications => Topic started by: [Abdo] on February 13, 2014, 12:51:11 pm

Title: My Application
Post by: [Abdo] on February 13, 2014, 12:51:11 pm
Real Name: Abdalrahman

Nickname: Abdo*

Your Previous nicks:None

D.O.B/Age: 14/5/1998 15


GMT/TimeZone:Your Time Zone or GMT? +02:00

Servers you usually play on:LW

Are you currently banned in any of the official servers?: XE Server. Reason:WallGlitch

VC-MP History: Since 2010

Why do you want to Join MK ?: Because Some MK Members Has Told Me To Join MK

Why did you Leave your previous clan/s: NxS:Inactive UST:Inactive NK:Kicked CO:My Friend Left It


Interested In Playing Clan War

Any Other Info You Would Like To Share:No Thanks
Title: My Application
Post by: MK Management on February 13, 2014, 12:51:11 pm
Thank you for applying to the Clan Miami Killers,
please be patient until we test you and vote for you.

Please tell us at which time you play and also on which server.


Miami Killers Management
Title: Re: My Application
Post by: Detonator on February 13, 2014, 01:12:31 pm
lack of communication,lack of interest towards the clan,bad attitude
Title: Re: My Application
Post by: Niko on February 13, 2014, 01:17:23 pm
No sorry dude , try to improve your attitude.
Title: Re: My Application
Post by: Kobalt62 on February 13, 2014, 02:07:59 pm
Title: Re: My Application
Post by: Behzinga on February 13, 2014, 02:14:49 pm
Your behavior is not good , Also you are not polite
Title: Re: My Application
Post by: N.Nikolay on February 13, 2014, 03:09:33 pm
no way

bad attitude, rule breaker, kyzo v2.
Title: Re: My Application
Post by: Crack on February 13, 2014, 06:42:16 pm
I'm sorry but no, good luck in the future
Title: Re: My Application
Post by: Kelvin on February 13, 2014, 07:48:55 pm
Title: Re: My Application
Post by: NewK on February 13, 2014, 08:20:33 pm
Reminder for everyone voting -->Click (https://mk.vc-mp.net/forum/applications/regarding-negative-voting-on-applications/)
TL;DR: Negative votes without reason, won't be counted.
Title: Re: My Application
Post by: Halchter on February 13, 2014, 08:51:25 pm
lack of communication,lack of interest towards the clan,bad attitude

+I was being sarcastic. no.
Title: Re: My Application
Post by: Kelvin on February 13, 2014, 08:58:22 pm
No. You are a rulebreaker and not skillfull enough for this clan.
Title: Re: My Application
Post by: Niko on February 14, 2014, 04:18:54 am







Title: Re: My Application
Post by: Rodrigo on February 14, 2014, 04:25:42 am
No, bad attitude..

Title: Re: My Application
Post by: Niko on February 14, 2014, 04:42:13 am
This app no need more votes , My reply is enough :v
Title: Re: My Application
Post by: FaF on February 14, 2014, 05:55:36 am
This guy is funny and I would vote MKt :D

but on the other hand No. :)
Title: Re: My Application
Post by: Niko on February 14, 2014, 06:44:05 am
Lol NYB_T Its Better!
Title: Re: My Application
Post by: SahiL on February 14, 2014, 12:41:36 pm
Title: Re: My Application
Post by: FaF on February 15, 2014, 06:22:26 am
As per the reasons posted by members
Title: Re: My Application
Post by: Crack on February 21, 2014, 06:43:39 pm
Code: [Select]
<@CrackM4`> .._.
<&Quack>  14-1> 12[OSK_A]JacklowZ killed Fox with 2Stubby <RightLeg>
<&Quack>  5** Admin CrackM4`: ._.
<&Quack>  15-> 14(2) 8[OSK_A]JacklowZ: hahahhahahahah
<&Quack>  15-> 14(0) 7Abdo: crackm4 kid
<&Quack>  15-> 14(2) 8[OSK_A]JacklowZ: OMG
<@CrackM4`> .Abda
<&Quack>  5** Admin CrackM4`: Abda
<&Quack>  6<= Abdo has left the battle
<&Quack>  15-> 14(0) 7Abdo: MK losers kids
<&Quack>  14-1> 12[OSK_A]JacklowZ killed Fox with 2Silenced Ingram <Body>
<&Quack>  15-> 14(1) 15Fox: xd
<&Quack>  6<= [OSK_A]JacklowZ has left the battle
<&Quack>  15-> 14(2) 8[OSK_A]JacklowZ: WUHAHAHHAHA
<&Quack>  7=> [OSK_A]JacklowZ has gone to the battle for some fights!
<&Quack>  15-> 14(0) 7Abdo: i hate MK clan bitch!!!!!!!!!!!
<&Quack>  6<= [OSK_A]JacklowZ has left the battle
<&Quack>  15-> 14(2) 8[OSK_A]JacklowZ: mk may be bad
<&Quack>  15-> 14(0) 7Abdo: yea
<&Quack>  4*** Fox has disconnected. (Timeout/Crashed)
<&Quack>  15-> 14(2) 8[OSK_A]JacklowZ: but crackm4 is good person
<&Quack>  15-> 14(2) 8[OSK_A]JacklowZ: i love this guy
<&Quack>  15-> 14(0) 7Abdo: VU is the best
<&Quack>  15-> 14(2) 8[OSK_A]JacklowZ: he is kind
<&Quack>  15-> 14(0) 7Abdo: ana bakrah kelvin 
<&Quack>  15-> 14(0) 7Abdo: ebn elwas5a
<&Quack>  15-> 14(2) 8[OSK_A]JacklowZ: a7eee
<&Quack>  15-> 14(2) 8[OSK_A]JacklowZ: metnak aweeeeee
<&Quack>  15-> 14(2) 8[OSK_A]JacklowZ: a7eeeeeee
<&Quack>  15-> 14(0) 7Abdo: men hwa?
<&Quack>  15-> 14(2) 8[OSK_A]JacklowZ: kelvin abn sharmota
<&Quack>  15-> 14(0) 7Abdo: dol 3alm metnaken
<&Quack>  15-> 14(0) 7Abdo: bto3 MK
<&Quack>  15-> 14(2) 8[OSK_A]JacklowZ: da zakareya
<&Quack>  15-> 14(2) 8[OSK_A]JacklowZ: t3raf zakareya
<&Quack>  15-> 14(0) 7Abdo: ana besara7a kreht elkelan dah
<&Quack>  15-> 14(2) 8[OSK_A]JacklowZ: anhi
<&Quack>  15-> 14(0) 7Abdo: w bezat kelvin 3mal y2ol No.
<&Quack>  15-> 14(2) 8[OSK_A]JacklowZ: al mk wala vu
<&Quack>  15-> 14(0) 7Abdo: el2gmd?
<&Quack>  15-> 14(0) 7Abdo: besara7a
<&Quack>  15-> 14(0) 7Abdo: MK
<&Quack>  3*** Fox has connected. 12(Mexico)
<&Quack>  15-> 14(2) 8[OSK_A]JacklowZ: besara7a ana karaht alnas ali fi al3ba
<&Quack>  15-> 14(0) 7Abdo: leh?
<&Quack>  7=> Fox has gone to the battle for some fights!
<&Quack>  15-> 14(2) 8[OSK_A]JacklowZ: faker clan NXs
<&Quack>  15-> 14(0) 7Abdo: ah
<&Quack>  15-> 14(0) 7Abdo: ana kont feh
<&Quack>  15-> 14(2) 8[OSK_A]JacklowZ: anta l3bt feh
<&Quack>  15-> 14(0) 7Abdo: ah
<&Quack>  15-> 14(2) 8[OSK_A]JacklowZ: aywa man shoftak
<&Quack>  15-> 14(2) 8[OSK_A]JacklowZ: dana adem fashkh
<@CrackM4`> .You never will be accepted in MK with your fuckig kid attitude
<&Quack>  5** Admin CrackM4`: You never will be accepted in MK with your fuckig kid attitude
<&Quack>  15-> 14(0) 7Abdo: ana afdl clan ta5alto hwa NK
<&Quack>  15-> 14(2) 8[OSK_A]JacklowZ: who crackm4
<@CrackM4`> .abdo
<&Quack>  5** Admin CrackM4`: abdo
<&Quack>  15-> 14(0) 7Abdo: dah alley ad5l MK
<&Quack>  3*** Cedric has connected. 12(United States)
<&Quack>  15-> 14(0) 7Abdo: WHAT crack?
<&Quack>  15-> 14(2) 8[OSK_A]JacklowZ: OMG
<@CrackM4`> .Chinga tu madre
<&Quack>  5** Admin CrackM4`: Chinga tu madre
<&Quack>  15-> 14(2) 8[OSK_A]JacklowZ: HOWA BYOLAK
<&Quack>  15-> 14(0) 7Abdo: i hate you crack
<&Quack>  15-> 14(0) 7Abdo: so shut up
<&Quack>  15-> 14(2) 8[OSK_A]JacklowZ: ANI HOWA MESH 7IDAKHALAK ALCLAN
<&Quack>  15-> 14(2) 8[OSK_A]JacklowZ: 3LSHAN ANTA SHATAMT ALCLAN
<&Quack>  15-> 14(2) 8[OSK_A]JacklowZ: SEBAK
<&Quack>  15-> 14(0) 7Abdo: hwa besara7a 8asb 3ano
<&Quack>  15-> 14(2) 8[OSK_A]JacklowZ: a7a
<&Quack>  7=> [OSK_A]JacklowZ has gone to the battle for some fights!
<&Quack>  7=> Abdo has gone to the battle for some fights!
<&Quack>  14-1> 12[OSK_A]JacklowZ killed Fox with 2Stubby <Torso>
<&Quack>  15-> 14(0) 7Abdo: go heal
<&Quack>  6<= [OSK_A]JacklowZ has left the battle
<&Quack>  15-> 14(3) 7Cedric: !fix
<&Quack>  14-1> 12Fox killed Abdo with 2Stubby <LeftArm>
<&Quack>  15-> 14(2) 8[OSK_A]JacklowZ: omg
<&Quack>  15-> 14(2) 8[OSK_A]JacklowZ: torollol
<&Quack>  15-> 14(2) 8[OSK_A]JacklowZ: lamooooo
<&Quack>  14-1> 12Abdo killed Fox with 2Spaz <RightLeg>
<&Quack>  14-1> 12Abdo killed Fox with 2Spaz <RightLeg>
<&Quack>  6<= Abdo has left the battle
<&Quack>  15-> 14(2) 8[OSK_A]JacklowZ: xd
<&Quack>  15-> 14(0) 7Abdo: xd
<&Quack>  15-> 14(0) 7Abdo: ana bamot fe hayfa2 wahbe !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<@CrackM4`> .I don't care if you hate me or not
<&Quack>  5** Admin CrackM4`: I don't care if you hate me or not
<@CrackM4`> .Igual chingas a tu madre.
<&Quack>  5** Admin CrackM4`: Igual chingas a tu madre.
from EA IRC
kid attitude. GO TO HELL ABDO
Title: Re: My Application
Post by: FaF on February 21, 2014, 06:59:56 pm
Lol Crack...this application already got denied on feb 15 :P
Title: Re: My Application
Post by: Crack on February 22, 2014, 02:33:28 am
Lol Crack...this application already got denied on feb 15 :P
I know, but he need be banned from posting/applying