.-=Clan Miami Killers=-.
Clan => Applications => Accepted Applications => Topic started by: HugOx on June 06, 2012, 11:26:32 pm
Nickname: Zero.
Your Previous nicks:Killerz,HugOx,Zero.
D.O.B/Age: Your Date Of Birth/ Age:15/06/96 (15 years)
Location/Country:Where Do You Live? I am from chile
GMT/TimeZone:Your Time Zone or GMT: GMT-3
Servers you usually play on:XE/Sky/SvM/CTF/Xs.
VC-MP History: How long have you been Playing VC-MP, Your Previous clans: 2 years. STK/SK/UK
Why you want to Join Clan MK:because its members have good attitude and good skillz. and is a good clan 8)
Why did you Leave your previous clan/s: STK = UK died, SK the members have bad attitude.
MSN/XFIRE/mIRC:yes (Zero) ;)
Interested In Playing Clan Wars:yeah of course. :)
Any Other Info You Would Like To Share:andre_bk07hotmail.com
Thank you for applying to the Clan Miami Killers,
please be patient until we test you and vote for you.
Please tell us at which time you play and also on which server.
Miami Killers Management
Everyone needs a second chance and this is yours, I'm sure many members know you and know what you can ... so for me is MKt
I wish you well in this app... GL
Everyone needs a second chance and this is yours, I'm sure many members know you and know what you can ... so for me is MKt
I wish you well in this app... GL
ya c: i give you a chance MKt From my side .....
PD: Remember i can change my vote c: ..... !!
Oh Zero!!!!!! :o
lmao, i can't bealive!
i don't care if ur app in VU was denied. Lmao
MKt from my fucking side bro! :D
MKt gl man ;D
Hey HugoX :) for you my vote is MKt Gl friend and boyfriend of qarilitox LOLZ joke:P
MKt dude :D
No.You have just been denied from VU.So you need some time.
No.You have just been denied from VU.So you need some time.
I agree
No, you have been denied in several clans
No , you're a nice guy but still not ready to join us.
Guys I will follow the majority
Coz I dont know anything about this guy
No.You have just been denied from VU.So you need some time.
I agree
i agree too :P and thanks guys :)
No.You have just been denied from VU.So you need some time.
giving you a chance Trainee.
MKt Zero :P GL zero ;)
Thanks Voxi ;)
Guys I will follow the majority
Coz I dont know anything about this guy
Here some of my
Recorded by Bakuryu
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YptOIqu85mI :)
paly with baku XDDDDDD
paly with baku XDDDDDD
Ethan changing as nadeem :D
Yay.Nice vid.
Basshunter - Now You're Gone(With Another Language)
Btw Holland 0-1 Denmark
Yay.Nice vid.
Basshunter - Now You're Gone(With Another Language)
Btw Holland 0-1 Denmark
OMG :o
I vote MKs :D :D :D
He is so nice and good skills :P
Hey HugoX! My vote is Mkt! :P :P ;D
Thanks Guys :)
IDK much about you but i will vote MKt. :D
you seem decent enough, MKt
you seem decent enough, MKt
He is recently denied in Vice Underdogs
you seem decent enough, MKt
He is recently denied in Vice Underdogs
But it was a mistake not because he has bad attitude, much less is noob
you seem decent enough, MKt
He is recently denied in Vice Underdogs
But it was a mistake not because he has bad attitude, much less is noob
Now, Can you put the words in a grammatical correct sentence please?
Because I have understood the balls
you seem decent enough, MKt
He is recently denied in Vice Underdogs
But it was a mistake not because he has bad attitude, much less is noob
Now, Can you put the words in a grammatical correct sentence please?
Because I have understood the balls
r u serious dude? Stop please. .___.
you seem decent enough, MKt
He is recently denied in Vice Underdogs
But it was a mistake not because he has bad attitude, much less is noob
Now, Can you put the words in a grammatical correct sentence please?
Because I have understood the balls
r u serious dude? Stop please. .___.
Dude I'm fucking serious, I didn't understand what he said
you seem decent enough, MKt
He is recently denied in Vice Underdogs
But it was a mistake not because he has bad attitude, much less is noob
Now, Can you put the words in a grammatical correct sentence please?
Because I have understood the balls
Well its so easy to understand him, guess what?? Pascal is too dumb :P or maybe just wanna show off his stupid English skills like at every other corner.
But seriously these type of replies of yours are totally irrelevant to the topic and more over you seem to show that people who cannot speak proper English are dumb.
Seriously shed off that attitude.
you seem decent enough, MKt
He is recently denied in Vice Underdogs
But it was a mistake not because he has bad attitude, much less is noob
Now, Can you put the words in a grammatical correct sentence please?
Because I have understood the balls
Well its so easy to understand him, guess what?? Pascal is too dumb :P or maybe just wanna show off his stupid English skills like at every other corner.
But seriously these type of replies of yours are totally irrelevant to the topic and more over you seem to show that people who cannot speak proper English are dumb.
Seriously shed off that attitude.
Wel, no
I have stopped the grammar business, but I didn't understand his last clause.
put in your heads:
I' Do not correct anymore, go to a school and pay for it, or play RUneScape(cheapest way)
Wel, no
I have stopped the grammar business, but I didn't understand his last clause.
put in your heads:
I' Do not correct anymore, go to a school and pay for it, or play RUneScape(cheapest way)
I can bet that every member in clan understood him very well, just not you :P
Wel, no
I have stopped the grammar business, but I didn't understand his last clause.
put in your heads:
I' Do not correct anymore, go to a school and pay for it, or play RUneScape(cheapest way)
I can bet that every member in clan understood him very well, just not you :P
He said: much less is noob
so he got denied because he wasn't extremely noob or had he to be a froob?
much less is noob means that
He said: much less is noob
so he got denied because he wasn't extremely noob or had he to be a froob?
much less is noob means that
He just means that Zero is more or less a noob...just that
Wel, no
I have stopped the grammar business, but I didn't understand his last clause.
put in your heads:
I' Do not correct anymore, go to a school and pay for it, or play RUneScape(cheapest way)
I can bet that every member in clan understood him very well, just not you :P
He said: much less is noob
so he got denied because he wasn't extremely noob or had he to be a froob?
much less is noob means that
Speaking seriously, your attitude is not very good, everything takes a wrong, you correct people and send them to hell for a mistake like this spam of topics, i hate that yes?.
And Talking About Zero, I is a good person and really nice player ... I do not see any defect or at least that is a bad player. Many speak bad of him, without knowing him as his personality and how he plays, I recommend you play with him and will see it's a good person
He said: much less is noob
so he got denied because he wasn't extremely noob or had he to be a froob?
much less is noob means that
He just means that Zero is more or less a noob...just that
to clarify what he meant
he just means that Zero isn't noob ._.
He said: much less is noob
so he got denied because he wasn't extremely noob or had he to be a froob?
much less is noob means that
He just means that Zero is more or less a noob...just that
Ethan said that Zero wasn't denied because of his bad attitude or because he is noob..
happy pascal? ;D
no men, Zero was denied because he need to improve his english.
No.You have just been denied from VU.So you need some time.
Dear Bitch Pascal.
Kelvin, bring him to your home and give him sex to stop his english teacher complex hhh (i know you guys are from turkey) then if you don't stop doing this, i'll bring jay to own you :D, bitch :D.
Take this as a joke please, no gay rage coments regardin' this :P.
Dear Bitch Pascal.
Kelvin, bring him to your home and give him sex to stop his english teacher complex hhh (i know you guys are from turkey) then if you don't stop doing this, i'll bring jay to own you :D, bitch :D.
Take this as a joke please, no gay rage coments regardin' this :P.
Dear Bitch Pascal.
Kelvin, bring him to your home and give him sex to stop his english teacher complex hhh (i know you guys are from turkey) then if you don't stop doing this, i'll bring jay to own you :D, bitch :D.
Take this as a joke please, no gay rage coments regardin' this :P.
BUT I live in Belgium
I have tested his skills, needs to improve on his lag a bit. Anyways. Good luck Zero. MKt
Dear Bitch Pascal.
Kelvin, bring him to your home and give him sex to stop his english teacher complex hhh (i know you guys are from turkey) then if you don't stop doing this, i'll bring jay to own you :D, bitch :D.
Take this as a joke please, no gay rage coments regardin' this :P.
BUT I live in Belgium
I am confused with Pascals location.... Turkey-Belgium?
I am Turkish, but I live in Belgium.
Turkish and Belgium are same variety,but turkish guys as i know are very strict and badly.
I have tested his skills, needs to improve on his lag a bit. Anyways. Good luck Zero. MKt
Dont know what you mean by that...Are you asking him to lag less?
I have tested his skills, needs to improve on his lag a bit. Anyways. Good luck Zero. MKt
Dont know what you mean by that...Are you asking him to lag less?
Ping Zero: 200-250 aprox.
He lags a bit when he is playing, but as zatch said his average ping is 230-260, anyways he isn't a big lagger, his skills are good and also his attitude, some players haven't a good ping because of their country and he can't improve that... anyways keep my vote MKt.
ty man :P
If this well, good luck! > Zero :P :P
ACCEPT!!! -.- D:
Accepted as Clan Miami Killers Trainee, welcome to the Clan!
Be decent to everyone around, improve your skills and you will go higher in clan.
Wear [MKt] Tag from now on.
congratulations dude :D
Congratz Zero! :)
gratzz zero
oh thanks guys :)
De puta madre Zero! :D
Congratz dude!
Congratulations Zero. nd' welcome to the family MK ;p